In 2023, bi3 and its strategic partner TriHealth engaged Scale Strategic Solutions to conduct a health and healthcare needs assessment and develop an equity-focused action plan to address identified health needs in Butler County, Ohio. The needs assessment was conducted in two phases. Phase One included reviewing quantitative data on the state of health in Butler County. Phase Two focused on gathering qualitative data through one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and community forums with healthcare providers, community leaders, and consumers of healthcare in the County.
The final report and action plan identified several opportunities for bi3 to partner with non-profit organizations to build health equity in Butler County. To that end, bi3 released a request for proposals for projects and initiatives that increase access to health services and resources, improve health outcomes, and reduce health disparities, centering at least one of the following populations: Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; individuals with lower levels of education and income; individuals living with disabilities; immigrants and new Americans; and individuals without health insurance. The three funding priorities are maternal and infant health; mental health; and addressing chronic health conditions (type 2 diabetes, cancer, and hypertension)
Grants awarded under this RFP are expected to range from $250,000 to $500,000, with a total investment of up to $2,000,000. Grant decisions will be communicated in late September.
bi3 invites community members to work alongside bi3 in the selection of projects and initiatives to be funded through this application process. Three community members will be selected and asked to contribute roughly ten hours to the process, inclusive of training, independent proposal review, and discussion.
All selected reviewers who fully participate in the process will be awarded $400, provided via check, electronic deposit, or gift card. This compensation recognizes and honors the labor that goes into serving as a community reviewer and averages approximately $40 per hour.
The deadline to apply is July 3.