What does bi3 stand for?
The letters “bi” honor the Bethesda Inc. heritage. The number “3” recognizes that Bethesda Inc.’s grantmaking initiative is built on three core elements – ideas, investments and impact.
How many projects are funded annually?
bi3 has typically awarded two or more large-scale grants each year, in addition to smaller grants in our bi3 priority areas. The exact number varies from year to year.
What organizations are eligible to apply for bi3 grants?
bi3 awards grants to 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations improving health outcomes in Hamilton County, Butler County, Warren County and Clermont County in Ohio.
How will bi3 define success?
Success relates to sustainable systems and/or cultural change that lead to reduced health disparities and improved health outcomes.
What is the relationship between the bi3 Fund, Bethesda Inc. and Bethesda Foundation?
The bi3 Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, founded and funded by Bethesda Inc. to transform health in Greater Cincinnati.
Bethesda Inc. is bi3’s parent organization, a co-sponsor of TriHealth, and provides oversight for Bethesda Foundation.
Bethesda Foundation cultivates major gifts in support of specific projects at Bethesda hospitals, Hospice of Cincinnati and Fernside.
What is the relationship between bi3 and TriHealth?
The bi3 Fund’s parent organization, Bethesda Inc. is co-sponsor of TriHealth. bi3 provides grant funding to its strategic partner, TriHealth, to accelerate innovation and address health disparities.
Does an independent community organization have to partner with TriHealth to be eligible for a grant?
No. However, bi3 is interested in projects that have a relationship with TriHealth in some capacity, either as an active partner or through participation on boards or advisory committees.
Do partnerships have to be established before submitting a preliminary grant application?
No. However, we encourage you to list potential partners you have approached and/or are interested in working with to implement your project. That said, we encourage you to open a dialogue with potential partners before submission and include letters of support where possible.
Does bi3 sponsor events?
The bi3 Fund invests in partnerships, policies, and programs to achieve health equity in our community. Except in rare cases, bi3 does not sponsor community events.
Do you have examples of prior bi3 RFP’s?
Yes. While each bi3 RFP is tailored and unique, below is a list of previous funding opportunities:
- April 2024 – Request for Applications: Building Health Equity in Butler County
- February 2024 – Request for Applications: Black Maternal Health Week 2024
- December 2023 – Calling Greater Cincinnati high school and junior high school students to participate in World Teen Mental Wellness Day
- August 2023 – Funding available for nonprofits seeking to improve equitable data collection and evaluation
- May 2023 – Black Empowerment grant program seeking funding applications
- January 2023 – Calling Hamilton County, Ohio high school students to participate in World Teen Mental Wellness Day
- December 2022 – Request for Applications: Data for Equity Funding Collaborative
- September 2022 – Request for Proposals: Data for Equity Funding Collaborative
- January 2022 – Request for Proposals: Building Health Equity
- August 2020 – Request for Proposals: Transforming Health through Capacity Building