The bi3 Fund will invest up to $2 million in Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont Counties
The bi3 Fund announced today it is inviting proposals for projects and initiatives to improve access and increase support for maternal mental health in four counties in our region.
bi3’s vision is for all people in Greater Cincinnati to have a fair and just opportunity to achieve their best health. The grantmaking initiative’s “Improving Maternal Mental Health” (RFP) will work towards that goal by awarding grants of $150,000-$500,000—totaling up to $2 million—to local nonprofit organizations. bi3 anticipates awarding three to five grants, with funding over a period of one to three years.
One of the barriers for mothers and young children to thrive is insufficient access to maternal mental health services, particularly for Black and Hispanic women. Through past successful efforts, bi3 has learned that focusing on reducing the largest disparities leads to improved care for all and the greatest change in health outcomes overall.
“The bi3 Fund envisions a day when all people have a fair and just opportunity to achieve their best health,” said Jill Miller, president and CEO of the bi3 Fund. “By addressing barriers to mental wellness and improving maternal mental health for moms, we can also have a positive impact on children, households, and communities.
To improve maternal mental health, bi3 is seeking grantee partners with an intentional focus on improvements for those with the greatest maternal mental health disparities: Black and Hispanic women. Through funding and partnership, bi3 seeks to amplify the conversation around maternal mental health, reduce barriers to care, and increase access to appropriate, desired, and culturally relevant models of maternal mental healthcare.
bi3 will host a virtual RFP Informational Workshop at noon on April 7, 2025. Registration is required.
All interested organizations are strongly encouraged to attend. The Informational Workshop will provide a brief overview of bi3’s application process, a deeper dive into the RFP and the opportunity to ask questions. A recording will be available on the bi3 website for those unable to attend the live session.
bi3 will follow a two-step, competitive application process that includes a Letter of Intent phase (due May 8, 2025) and a full proposal phase (due July 14, 2025, for invited applicants).