St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati
Project: Piloting pharmacy-based patient care
Grantee: St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati
Investment: $100,000
Year: 2017
A new Ohio law passed in 2016 grants pharmacists more discretion in extending or modifying prescriptions without a physician’s order. Known as a “consult agreement,” the new law details how patient care services can be immediately provided by pharmacists, including modifying current drug therapy, initiating new therapy, ordering labs, and/or physical assessment of the patient. A $100,000 bi3 grant enables St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati (SVDP) to complete a consult agreement with Good Samaritan Free Health Center in Price Hill.
The agreement has the additional benefit of providing insight into this new community healthcare model and offers a breakthrough in safety-net healthcare for patients without insurance. Also, SVDP plans to demonstrate an innovative approach to diabetes management and tobacco cessation using a consult agreement to provide efficient and effective collaborative care.