Seeking proposals from community organizations
to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes
bi3, a philanthropic initiative to transform health in Greater Cincinnati, announced today it is seeking funding proposals from area nonprofit organizations for the planning, piloting, or implementation of projects that address system barriers and build health equity.
bi3 is an initiative of Bethesda Inc., a co-sponsor of TriHealth and a support organization of Bethesda Hospitals. Since 2010, bi3 has awarded more than $56 million in grants to TriHealth and community-based organizations to fund innovative ideas to transform health and healthcare. Now, it will award funding to address community health priorities in amounts ranging from $100,000 to $3 million each, depending on the type and length of the proposed idea.
The Health Policy Institute of Ohio reports Ohio ranks 47 out of 50 states for health value, with the driving forces cited as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and structural racism and discrimination. The recently released 2021 Regional Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) identifies cardiovascular, mental health, and maternal health concerns among the most prevalent untreated health conditions. The CHNA also finds health disparities among populations most impacted by the social determinants of health and the underlying structural barriers that impact health. These findings come as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the community’s overall well-being.
“These are not new or unknown problems, and the ongoing pandemic continues to shed light on the health inequities and disparities that have plagued our marginalized communities for decades. The pandemic has also demonstrated, though, how our community can come together to care for our neighbors in crisis,” said Jill Miller, President & CEO of Bethesda Inc. and bi3. “Instead of returning to old ways, bi3 wants to capitalize on this moment in time and build a Greater Cincinnati region where every person can lead the way to a day when every person has a fair and just opportunity to achieve their best health.”
bi3 is seeking funding requests from community organizations for new approaches to transform health and reduce health disparities within three priority areas:
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Child and Family Resilience
- Transformational Approaches to Address Key Priorities Outlined in the 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Successful applications will incorporate programs, partnerships, and advocacy to address structural and systemic barriers. bi3 will prioritize proposals that focus on the following populations: Black, Indigenous and People of Color; individuals with lower levels of education and income; people living with disabilities; immigrants and new Americans; and those without health insurance.
The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is 11:59 p.m. EST on February 17, 2022. This is a multi-stage, competitive process. All applicants must submit a Letter of Intent. Applicants for this request for proposals are encouraged to attend an Informational Workshop (information can be found within the full RFP). bi3 will then invite a subset of applicants to submit a detailed proposal, due April 21, 2022. The invitation to submit a detailed proposal will not guarantee a grant award.
To apply and learn more, see our full RFP.