The innovative and collaborative practices of the bi3-funded program Parent Connext are earning national recognition.
Fueled by a $1.3 million, three-year grant from bi3, Beech Acres Parenting Center, Cincinnati Children’s Mayerson Center and TriHealth Pediatrics launched Parent Connext, a program that integrates parent coaches into TriHealth pediatric practices to strengthen parental resilience, reduce toxic stress and improve child development and health.
Now, the Association for Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) has awarded Parent Connext’s coaching model a “Promising Practice” status. AMCHP’s Innovation Station evaluates programs and disseminates status levels based on standardized practices that drive proven outcomes. This is a fantastic recognition of the program and its effectiveness.
Additionally, Health Affairs — the leading journal of health policy thought and research on health reform, health care costs, and health system innovations — has also has accepted Cincinnati Children’s Mayerson Center’s abstract on Parent Connext and invited them to submit a paper for publication in the April 2020 issue on Integrating Health and Human Services.
There are now nine patient offices in the Tri-State offering Parent Connext.
So far, the program has screened 11,000 families and connected more than 2,500 of those families to a parent specialist.