bi3 is partnering with WKRC-TV/Local12 to present a new series called “Transforming Health”. Together we’re highlighting new ways our community partners are thinking differently to improve health in our region.
bi3 and LISC explain the “Housing Our Future” strategy on Local 12
Working with LISC Greater Cincinnati to ensure everyone in Cincinnati has access to quality housing is one step bi3 is taking to address health equity. bi3’s Jennifer Zimmerman and Kathy Schwab, recently-retired LISC Greater Cincinnati Executive Director, joined Local...
Read morebi3, Cincinnati Public Schools and TriHealth explain the School-to-Work program’s multi-faceted approach
With support from bi3, TriHealth and Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) are partnering through an innovative new School-to-Work Apprenticeship program. The goal is to inspire diverse high school students to pursue healthcare careers by giving them real-world exposure, work experience...
Read morebi3 fosters partnership between Cincinnati Public Schools and TriHealth to help students gain experience in healthcare
CINCINNATI (WKRC) – A new program at a local hospital is transforming lives. Health care providers at Good Samaritan Hospital are part of a unique partnership with Cincinnati Public Schools and bi3, which is an organization that helps fund...
Read morebi3 and TriHealth’s Good Samaritan Hospital explain their work to address the social needs of expectant mothers
With support from bi3, the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati partnered with TriHealth’s OB/GYN Center at Good Samaritan Hospital to create M-HeLP (Maternal Health Law Partnership). The goal of the program is to reduce social needs and improve...
Read morebi3 partnership provides legal aid to expectant mothers to address social needs
A bi3-funded program that provides legal help at prenatal appointments is showing good outcomes when it comes to healthy mothers and babies. Little Tee-Elija is now 2-months-old. This 9-pound, 13-ounce little boy was born healthy thanks to a program...
Read morebi3 and Beech Acres explain how Parent Connext fights the effects of toxic stress
Did you know that half of Greater Cincinnati’s children have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience? This toxic stress can impact children’s brain development, health and well-being throughout their lifetimes. Parent Connext is working to intervene early to...
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